English / Work Why I'm Using Homebrew, Even in Linux! On Linux, we get used to a package manager. We used it almost whenever we need to install or updates the software.
English / Work Please, Don’t Reach Me to Offer a Job! Instead, offer me to work on the biggest challenge that your team or your company is having and why your company needs someone like me to work on that challenge.
English / Life Life After no Uber (forced to use Grab) I’m one of the people who prefer to use Uber in so many ways because, to be honest, Uber never let me down with their services.
English / Work Traumatize Work Experience Why I want to bring this up now is because it’s just popup in the discussion when I was in the meeting with my friends last night, and there’s a time when we
English / Work I Know Them For 20 Years and I Trust Them “I Know them for 20 years and I trust them, I have nothing to hide from them”. These words I heard from my boss when we are traveling to Jakarta for a technical
English / Life Should I Concern on Personal Branding More? Since I jump into photography in late of 2013, I watch many famous photographers YouTube channel and I found interesting things they do to their branding